December 4, 2008

Body Image:Inner Beauty Vs. Outer Beauty

Hi everyone, my friend asked me to answer a question for him due to a project for his school. The Question was "How do you feel about your body image? If there was anything you could physically change about yourself what would it be and why?" I answered "" I am really into body image, and what people think about me. I think everyone cares what people think about thier body image, but they try to play it off and act like they dont care, but deep down it really gets to the persons head at the end of the day. I would physically like to change the appearance of my nose, its just too big! But as i learn from my idols , it doesnt matter how you look. Its all about the inner beauty that counts, and outside beauty doesnt count because we grow old and our outside beauty gets old and if you showed inner beauty all your life, at the end of the day when your outter beauty expires your inner beauty will make up for the outter beauty! <3>What is your answer??? Do you have insecurites about yourself??? I Believe we all do, and its up to ourseleves to fix it and also encourage good self-esteem to others! Check Out Quasimodo For instance in the movie "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame" This movie instills a good lesson about self image, and beauty. Inner Beauty Vs. Outer Beauty...which one will you choose?

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