November 8, 2010


Today I'm feeling so much positivity and happiness. I believe everyone should feel this way. It's time that all the stress rises out of our bodies, the hurt we receive from relationships, or the negativity life throws at you and stand up on your own two feet, hold your head high and look towards the future. You may not live in the future now, but you do have a choice to guide the path of positivity in your life. Start by saying thank you and being curteous. All the petty drama, hatred, ignorant tsks between you and poeple, just drop all of that. I'm starting a new me, beginging to find myself, loving who I am and putting everything in GODS hands. You should all do the same. Put positivity in your life before anything. Dream big, your dreams are all that make positivity in your life. Love yourself first, love family, your family are your BIGGEST & GREASTEST friends ever. Don't doubt yourself. Work towards the best, never settle for the less. I love all of my friends and family. I appreciate that my generation and the ones after me stop, think, listen, view and make a change! Remember to spread positivity throughout the rest of the year.
-LaTroy Watson

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