November 9, 2010


IDK what's going on with this world but seriously 4G phones? I don't understand why technology is progressing so fast and sometimes for no reason at all. I understand 4G network is supposed to be the now fastest network on technology devices. When I keep hearing about 4G all that pops up in my mind is the impatience of people. That's all it is to me; people being very impatient. Why do you need your device to load fast? What was the matter with 3G? Why must you need your device to perform multiple tasks at the same time? Why are we now watching TV from our phones? Lol, these are all the questions that come to my mind when I even hear people talking ecstatically of 4G network phones or devices. Maybe some of you can give me your view points on 4G. What do you think? Do you like 4G networks or it doesn't matter to you?

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