February 15, 2009

Sunday Movie:Lean On Me

Today's Sunday Movie is one of the best old school movies to date. Its starring Morgan Freeman, and its called "Lean On Me". It is based on a true story, about a high school that was once good, but as the years progressed into the early/late 80's it became the worst High School in New Jersey. Morgan Freeman, who plays Mr.Joe Clark, he tries to change the school but he finds it very hard, because some of the kids, and school board committee doesnt approve of the changes, he is making to make the school back number one in the state. Heres a clip from the movie where things get very tensional, I hope you watch it. :-) Morgan Freeman is a great African American Actor, and I admire his work, in suspense films.

1 comment:

  1. hey latroy nice video about your band. i do want to be a back up singer but idon't know if we can see eachother to discuss that issue. anyway i could sing but maybe a little better. Can u help mt w/that? antway our next play well balck history dance program is thursday february 26 2009. the whole 8Th grade will be doing it. Except me. it's my thing but i just don't want to do it. Some other grades are doing something else.i really do hope that u could come. i go to 15Th Avenue School. The auditorium is on the first floor. If you get lost just go to the office. As soon as u come in u will see a door to your left just walk in and ask for directions. Please come. For me aka your friend from blogger. I will be on the boucony. To get there just go to the stair case to your right of the security desk until you get to the firsatg landing. Go to the blue doors to your left and the third or second door to your right is the boucony of the auditorium. I hope to see you there. You don't know how i look but i know how you look so i will look for you. can't wait ti see you there!!!!
