May 21, 2013

New Music: Beyoncé "Grown Woman"

Photo Courtesy of NecoleBITCHIE

Looks as if Beyoncé's "Grown Woman" hit the net in it's full studio entirety. Since the song made its full length debut late last month during #KINGBey's 'The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour' fans have uploaded the live version of the song and been playing it everywhere. 

Beyoncé gets very vocal and upfront about her being a Grown Woman in the song stating she can do whatever she wants when she chooses. I don't blame Bey in anyway, she's made her made a household name for herself in her 15years in the music industry!

Anyway, the funky African uptempo dance song is one that is very different from her previous dance records. Though the song sounds like a mix between "End of Time" and "Start Over". I am L U V I N  this song, Beyoncé better get it this summer! 

Listen To The Full Official Track After The Jump...

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