January 31, 2009

Superbowl 2009 Steelers Vs. Caridnals

Okay I Really Dont Keep up With football, but I Love TO watch the Superbowl For 3GOOD REASONS!!!! The Food,Half-Time Show,And The Commercials haha. Superbowl is like the big bang shaaaaboom of all Football Games, its like the Grammy's To Superbowl...Every Football player's dream is to win the Superbowl. I know this is a huge ordeal to Sports Fans, because people actually bet on these games...wow lol its really that serious!!! haha, Well I dont' know what team Im voting for yet, but I mostly go with the team that is winning at the time...haha, but Im going for the "Steelers" for one good reason!!! Can you Figure OUt WhY??? haha :-) Im looking forward to seeing Jennier Hudson Performance during Half Time, its going to be a thrill!!! <3's>
What Are Your Plans Tomorrow???

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