January 17, 2011

David Is Going To Die

Marty McFly
I just came across this picture of what seems to be water paint abstract on my Tumblr Dashboard. The funny thing is that the Tumblr Blog Tittle is "David Is Going To Die" lol. When I first seen the photo I automatically familiarized it with an 80's flashback movie entitled "Back To The Future" with Michael J. Fox and then somehow I seen Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in the mix lol. Clearly as I began to read the blog post further the title of the picture was on the left hand side and it was "Marty McFly" which was Michael J. Fox's character name in "Back To The Future" =). I mean c'mon don't you guys see Michael Jackson in the picture lol. Anyway, I thought this painting was very DOPE! What do you think? Have you ever seen the movie "Back To The Future"?
[Click Here] For The Link To The Picture. Also Follow The Both Of Us On Tumblr If You Have =)

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