January 10, 2011

: The Rundown

Eh' it's Monday right? Yeah I figured it. I just wanted to do a post about my regular daily rundown. It all starts  Monday morning and then somehow it ends before the end of the week is here. Don't ask me how, I just know I get caught up in a lot during the week. Alright so without further do, here is LaTroy's weekday rundown:

9 a.m.- Alarm goes off, walk Tokyo, grab something light to eat from the kitchen and shower before TV time.
10 a.m. - "The Wendy Williams Show" all while trying to think of blog topics
11 a.m.- "The Dr.Oz Show" flipping back and forth with "The View", something have to give shessh.
12 p.m. - Try to catch up on as many TiVo'd shows I recorded and haven't had time to watch.
1 p.m. - I'm probably on the phone all while trying to look for important career jobs.
2 p.m. - It's that hour before my little brother comes home from school and I have to straighten up the house.
3 p.m. - I feel forced to wait for the mailman before I do anything else, I need Dr.Phil.
4 p.m.- I'm trying to take a nap as if I had a long day or I'm out with someone.
5 p.m.- I'm napping
6 p.m.- I'm still napping
7 p.m. - I'm up you can probably catch me blasting music with my karaoke machine =)
8 p.m. - Watch or try to watch the shows that come on tv that evening until I fall asleep.

It really may seem like I don't do anything but eat, sleep and crap but it's never this simple. This is kind of what happens when I'm on vacation from school. When i'm in school it's basically the same schedule but a heavy intense writing work and thinking. Let's see if 2011 can change some of what I do on a daily basis. Remember what I said earlier, this rundown usually doesn't flow till the end of the week. For some reason I have no idea. Thanks for taking the time to read my boring life. =) Enjoy. Be more productive than I.

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