March 3, 2011

Convincing Your Parents

I have an important question to you all. How do you convince your parents to let you get a dog or another dog? Doesn't having one dog already show that you are very responsible? Have you ever had to convince your parents on letting you get a dog? What other motives did you have in mind if your first plan didn't work? I want to hear from you. Give me some advice I can give to my mother about letting me get another dog. My dog and I are in dying need of another dog =). Doesn't every dog need a home like every human out there? Help me out friends =).

1 comment:

  1. haha! its funny cause my cousin is in the same situation you are she didnt ask her mom she just brought the dog home (she already has a dog)so....when her mom got home of course she was angry bt as time went by she started to care and love for the now she has 2 dogs..nd theres no problem...
