April 6, 2011

Wishful Wednesday...

Today is our favorite day of the week. Want to know why? Well, because its the middle of the week which means Friday is almost near. Today is Wishful Wednesday, a day where we can just wish about anything we practically want. This second half of my spring session semester is flying way over my head. I don't think I can even catch up right about now. The year is almost over, but I'm feeling it's just only the beginning. I wish there was a way I can stop this crazy madness. Hmmm, lol. Well, why don't I just make a wish. Yeah! I can do that  so can you. I know there has to be something bothering you or something you want to change. Let me know what your wish of the day is and I'll let you read mine.

But....right after the jump lol
First and foremost thank you for continuing to this part of the Wishful Wednesday blog post. Thank you for even logging on to your computers and visiting my blog. Words can't express how ecstatic you all make me with your comments and stopping by. Without further adu, my Wishful Wednesday wish is...

I Wish Life Had An On And Off Switch! 

Ever felt like just the touch of one button you can stop life and just catch up with what's going on? I mean it wouldn't be a repeated thing, only 3 ons and offs a year. Could you imagine that? I know I can. I really need to pause everything and put everything thats out of place in my life back to where it was. And that concludes my Wishful Wednesday wish. Until next Wednesday...Thank You. 

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