April 27, 2011

Wishful Wednesday...

Happy middle of the week to you all. Today is Wishful Wednesday and the week is almost over. As always, I will be posting my wish of the day right after the jump. I bet you're wondering what is up with the green globe,  leaves, trees and etc. Well, I thought it would be very important to know what your wishes are upon the environment and what could we all do to keep our home called Earth CLEAN. You ever heard of the term "GO GREEN" right? More doing and less talking! 
My Wishful Wednesday wish would have to be for people to cut back on buying paper/plastic utensils. I must admit, my family is big on buying paper plates so that there would be less dishes. Now, i'm beginning to see we are killing thousands of trees every day just to buy some paper plates that we will throw in the garbage over and over after we use them. There is nothing wrong with washing the glass/plastic dishes that we are supposed to regularly use. I have no problem washing dishes. The problem I have is using the Earth's necessity and using it as our short cut. There goes my Wishful Wednesday wish and it is for those people to stop using paper/plastic throw away utensils. We need the trees to survive! 

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