May 21, 2012

I'm A VLOGGER Now!!!

Yeah, so I officially started VLOGGING! "I'm so excited, I just can't hide it!" (cues Jessie Spano #SavedByTheBell). No but I really am exciting, This is me stepping out of my comfort zone and being hands on with the whole movement of social networking and the arts. I enjoy recording and taking pictures, of course with friends and when I'm by myself more so when I'm secluded. 

Enough blabber, the name of my VLOG show is "Let's Talk W/ LaTroy" a conversation between me and you all things a go! I basically will do reviews, how-to's, give advice, talk entertainment, gossip, share personal stories and more. I'm actually putting who I am right out there in front of the WORLD! I just hope I actually have a following and people will find me entertaining. 

Check out my VLOG
Let's Talk W/ LaTroy 
YouTube: LaTroyWatson

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