October 20, 2010

Purple Day!

In honor of those who passed away from gay bashing and bullying, today is the day everyone shows their support wearing PURPLE. It's very sad and hurting the evil things people do to others. There's no good feeling putting someone down. It doesn't matter if you're Gay, Bi-Sexual, Heterosexual, etc. no one should be disrespected and humiliated. I've been bullied worse in the pass and I do believe "IT DOES GET BETTER". I may not verbally or physcially see the bullying towards me, but I know there are others who talk behind my back and bash my name to the ground. That doesn't make me sad or weak, it just makes me a stronger person. I heard different celebrities quote "You Should Be Worried If People Aren't Talking About You, That's When You Know Your Doing Something Right."  One of my idol's Khloe Kardashian, recently posted on her blog a "It Gets Better" video, and in the video she addresses one of her bullies, who is very knowin throughout the world. I feel it took Khloe Kardashian a lot of guts to come out and confront her bully, the person who suggested she do the video. It's not just regular people who get bullied, it happens to celebrities as well. For those who are being bullied, I say keep doing what you're doing and don't let the negativity get in the way. You are different for a reason and GOD made you that way for a reason. You are his special child with a great gift to spread througout the world. Hold your head up high, believe in yourself, love yourself, love your family, look towards them for help and guidance, family are the closest people you have to your heart. Stay true to yourself, because IT DOES GET BETTER! - Troy <3

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