December 13, 2010

The Last Day of the Fall Semester 10'

So today was the last day of school, well for the fall semester of college. It was my first fall semester ever and time went by so fast. I can say I made it through this school year with my head still held high. I made some amazing new friends and I kind of lost some along the way. This semester wasn't that good for me academically wise, but whose to say I can't do better in the Spring. I officially came to the state of my own mind that math, history and I do not get along what so ever. English & Communications Technology were very brilliant and relevant to my life. 

I already miss everyone who I had a class with, whether we spoke or we didn't. I felt very social this semester  and I find it funny because I never thought I'd gain as many friends at a Community College. I had a few ups and downs with a few of my close friends, but in retrospect it only made our friendship a lot stronger. College is all about meeting people with different personalities. I won't always be able to find those who suit my standards as friends, so I have to accept those for who they are. I'm looking forward towards next year in the spring. Let's see if I can top next year by gaining a lot more friends and doing more than the less I have done this semester. :-) ...

If you're in College, how was your last day of the Fall 10' Semester? What do you plan on doing different come Spring 11' Semester? What classes are you taking? 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not done yet but I'll finish on Friday. Next semester I'll be taking Psychological Statistics, Psychology of Learning, Calculus, World Literature and Critical Citizenship. I hope not to procrastinate too much next semester and I want to keep myself on that Dean's List!
