July 28, 2010

Shoving Geese Down Your Throat???

Hey Guys! nope this is not a ThanksGiving post. One of my cousins hit me on BBM(BlackBerry Messenger) last night and informed me the news were talking about people who eat Geese(more than one Goose) on an everyday occasion. Thanks Jess, for the story. Okay, so I did my research the topic, and shall I inform myself and others I thought the thought of eating anything besides Chicken, Beef, & Pork was beyond disgusting, but to life it's normal. All types of people roast Goose for dinners, parties, and special occasions. Hey they sometimes replace them for the Turkey on ThanksGiving. Well, I don't think i'll ever eat it, killing one animal is just way too much. Wouldn't hurt to try it, but you'll have to mix it in my burger or spaghetti! Someday i'll try it though, it's not bad to become immune to different types of food out there. Hmmm, be your own food critic, try things out. What do you think about eating Geese as a meal? What will you eat it with? How will you cook it? 

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