July 4, 2012

New Music: Kelly Rowland Feat. Lil' Wayne "ICE"

With weeks of speculation about when Kelly Rowland's new single would be release, a group of song spoilers happened to have the song put a snippet on the internet for it to be taken down media sites ASAP! But that didn't stop the music thieves from getting their hands on the official single that was floating around called "ICE". 
With a recent Kelly Rowland tweet, she's aware her single leaked much earlier than expected :( 

Kelly Rowland teams back up again with Lil Wayne for another steamy and sexual collaboration song that is sure to become another radio hit just like their 2011's "Motivation". I can't wait to see how Kelly plays off in the music video but I don't think we'll be getting a music video for the song anytime soon since it's been leaked. I'm in love with the song I keep playing it over and over especially when Kelly is slaying lines like; 

"Take the ice cube (boy you know what)
Sit it right below my nable
And watch what I do
And that's my favorite angle
My legs are numb now
Your loving be giving me chills"

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