Last night VH1 premiered their new reality show titled Mama Drama, which is pairing five moms with their daughters to live in one big house in Las Vegas. Of course, there is going to be partying and chaos thrown in the mix. Only because mother's tend to be strong value holders and in most cases what one family's values or believes, may not be the same for another family.
The cast includes a total of five mothers and a total of six daughters on more Loren having both her twins on the show (talk about double trouble). You might see a familiar face in the cast and that's because cast mate Ashley was scene on a previous season of Oxygen's Bad Girls Club. If that doesn't tell you how popping this show will be then you have no IDEA!!!
Mama Drama comes on every Wednesday night at 10pm and for you as the episodes post on VH1, I will gladly share them with you, since DISH network and Viacom have been tsking for a while now. My review for the first episode...I will narrow it down to being very entertained and focused. I'm still trying to get to know the whole cast by face and name, honestly I only remember the twins Britney and Whitney and their mother Loren as well as Ashley since she was apart of the Bad Girls Club. I love how VH1 got mothers and daughters involved for a reality show, because this makes great TV! We all love some type of DRAMA, but I really prefer relatable drama rather than celebrity drama where I can't relate because I don't have the type of money they have.
VH1 Thank You, You Have Made My Wednesday Nights!!!
Check The Supertrailer Below
This is terrible the way the mom's are behaving, the disrespectful daughters who are allowed by their mothers to talk to them in any manner. Thats why they don't know how to talk to others Properly, because their parents allow them to talk to them (parents)any kind of way. What is that on that childs head? Why is that thick lady out at the pool in THAT suit? Why does a mother respond to her daughters like that on National TV. Tone it down abit Girl, all that negativity is going to impact your daugthers Negatively. They are already acting like you. (not good) You want them togrwo and be better than that. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL?!!!