July 18, 2012

Instagram of the Week - Makael86

Cute, funny, adorable and one half of the YouTube highly favorite vlog review The Skorpion Show, Makael McClendon is this week's Instagramer of the Week. The reason why Makael has been chosen, because he's been a favorite Instagramer of mine for some time now; he doesn't overdue the posting, he posts great inspirational quotes, adds humorous shade to some of his photos he has uploaded of celebrities and overall he's very photogenic. Makael is just a cute and highly intelligent young man from Philly trying to make those big bucks. Be sure to follow Makael on Instagram if you have the iPhone/Android app; but I advise you to beware because if you attack BEYONCE, OH HE WILL STING BACK 10 FOLD!!! :-)!  

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