January 7, 2013

Spending New Year's Eve w/ Cali Girls ❤

New Years Eve 2012/2013 (Bethany,Latroy(Me)& Desi)
I forgot to upload my New Year's Eve pics from last Monday. I spent New Year's Eve in Brooklyn, New York with my Cali friends and when I say Katy Perry was right about California Girls, she was def RIGHT!!! I have to def plan a trip out to California asap. I'm so grateful to have a beautiful sisterhood within Beth and Desi...THANKS GIRLS!!!! I'm glad they invited me to spend New Years with them, I had so much fun and that will be a night to remember forever. Take a look at some of the pictures and read how I got to know Beth

Me & @BethBomb
@BethBomb & Myself 
Sisterly Bond
@BethBomb & Myself (2 Chains)

iPhone 5 Much?
Outfit of the Night
How Cute Am I?
Oh Hi It's Me Again! 
Seductive Beth & Myself 
Black & White The Best!!!
@BethBomb & @LaTroyWatson On INSTAGRAM!
Desi (@Lakerlovin24) & Friends 
Myself & Cali Gurls *cues Katy Perry*

1 comment:

  1. And I missed out on this?! Lol Hey Beth Girl! Im glad you showed my BFF a good time!
