September 9, 2010

To Shave or To Trim...Pubic Area 101

 The Question Is Do You Shave Or Trim?
What Do The Ladies Prefer?
What Do The Guys Prefer?
Which Option Is Best For You?

Body hair is a beautiful thing. I believe it helps define who we are as a person. I like to think the more body hair you have, then there's something deep you have to know about your family's trait. Playing around with body hair is a learning experience. Some may be hairier than others and well some may not have any body hair on thier body. The most important body hair everyone should pay attention to is the pubic area. The pubic area is the 2nd most area on your body you trim or shave any other part of your body. Well, first you have your hair on your head; either girls you cut it shorter or guys you just get a nice clean cut. But, as you get older from your adolescent pre-teen years to an adult, your hormones start to play a big part. Pubic hair can be a problem for some people or it can be a blessing. I'm not an expert in body hair, but from listening to people's conversation to the likes and dislikes of pubic hair, i've gathered just a conclusion in my mind whether the pubes stay or go.

Question numero uno(number one). Do you like to Shave or Trim?
 - well, if you ask me, I would tell you trimming is the best option. Especially if you're a hairy beast (just kidding).  Personally, baldies (completely shaved pubic area) are very much ugly, and not so much attractive. Some people shave for the wrong reasons. I've heard reasons from guys saying "It makes my penis look much bigger, it feels much better in the vagina" and from the girls I hear "the orgasmn feels better, and they tend to get more wetter". Hmm, great responses but either way size doesn't matter, and depending on how wet you get depends on how good the penis is. A problem I hear with the whole completely shaving is razor bumps (that's a whole other topic, well get back to). As if, you trim, I feel your giving yourself a nice appearance and you care about your grooming. Baldies, I feel people do it to rush the job, rather than work on it looking nice; well because trimming does take time. Overall, Trimming is the best option. Give yourself a sexier more attractive intimate appeal.

Question number 2. What do the ladies prefer?
- Ahh, i'm around ladies all the time. The frequent response I got from them were that they like their guys or girls (show the lesbians some love too) Trimmed. Guys, don't come at my neck if you feel some type of way, you take that up with them! I'm just repeating what I've heard.

Question number 3. What do the guys prefer?
-  LOL, guys are funny they don't even think about the question the answer right away is SHAVED! Even some of the lovely gays (show the gays love too) said they like their men shaved! Guys, I guess some of you vagina eaters like to taste the juices with no particles in them huh? lol.

Question number 4. What option is best for you?
- This is where you come in. Chime in your response and let me know what option is best for you? Shaved or Trimmed? Here's my answer, only way I believe you should be a baldy(shaved) is if your profession is modeling, prostitution, and a stripper. Other than that what's your choice? What option is best for you and why?

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