January 27, 2011

First Time Shoveling

We keep getting more snow. I am going to be distraught and in misery if it snows my Birthday weekend. To keep myself from being snowed in, I decided to shovel for the first time in my entire life. My step-dad is the one who shovels our driveway and sidewalk, but I thought it would be courteous of me to help out around the house =). I wish I could've taking before pics, however I did take after pics. Here's a tip from me about shoveling; grab your ipod and shovel away. Enjoy my pics after the jump!

January 26, 2011

Wishful Wednesday...

The best things in life are free huh? Well not this luxury Brownstone apartment. I am working hard in school to get this dream apartment of mines in downtown, New York City. Well its that time of the week to wish for the thinkable. Let me know some of your wishes you have today. Share them with me and let's see what we can do about it =). Read My Wish After The Jump....

January 25, 2011

Tasty Tuesday: Lemon-Garlic Shrimp and Grits

Shrimp and Grits...hmm who would have thought such a meal can go together? The picture above looks very good. I absolutely love seasoned non fried shrimp and grits extra buttery lol =). Well, I've never tried it before so hopefully my BFF and I will attempt to make this dish. Thanks to our friends' over at The Food Network Channel for sharing this delightful meal. Bon Appetite'!

January 24, 2011

New Video - Tiffany Evans "I'll Be There"

This Song's Message Is Amaze! Such A Strong Powerful Ballad! Can't Help But To Love Tiffany's voice and beauty. I Simply Enjoy Black & White Videos. =) 

The East is Alaska

I'm beginning to get annoyed at the very cold weather we've been receiving here in the east coast. The past two weeks it snowed for two days each week. Not only has it been snowing in the mist of trying to clean the mess up, the temperature is dropping to the low 10's now. It's making it very hard for me to even walk around places lol. Also, my dog doesn't do well in the snow or cold when she has to go out for her bathroom breaks. This is not my idea of a fun winter. Maybe New Jersey is little Alaska or something. It seems as if this winter is going out with a bang! How do you like the weather we've been getting?

January 21, 2011

Do You Find This Funny?

And this concludes this week of fun exciting posts =). HaHaHa, I honestly can't stop laughing! Thanks to my friend Owen for having this as his BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) Default Picture. He's very funny and dope. You can also check out his blog by clicking It's Big O Dot Com and follow him on Twitter @itsBIGO!
I think the title caption for this comic should be entitled "Balls Make A Face". #PAUSE!

Throwback Friday - Tamia "Officially Missing You"

I mean where is Tamia? I love Tamia so much that it has been a very long time since she came out with music. Tamia is a R&B underrated singer who doesn't get the real attention she needs. When Tamia sings, her melodic soulful voice just gives you goosebumps. Today I couldn't stop humming one of her top singles "Officially Missing You" =). I really can relate to the song, it's basically the story of my life right about now. Enjoy The Video And Have A Safe And Fun Weekend!

January 20, 2011

A Date With Lin

There's nothing like catching up with one of your good girlfriends. This morning I went out with one of my close friends Lin to get some breakfast. It's been 2 years since we really got to hang out so thank GOD she called me this morning and treated me. Lin and I went to "Sunrise Diner" in Roselle Park, NJ. The food was alright but Lin and I really was craving pancakes =). Lin and I also ventured off to CVS to get supplies for school tomorrow. Hey! why stand in the Financial Aid line when you can just grab a notebook from CVS lol. Of course you know I had to take some silly photos lol. I love my Lin we must not leave hanging out gaps in 2011. No Sirrreeee'!

The Difference Between Sex & Pornography???

Hmm, something's been floating around in my mind for the past couple of days. Okay! not nearly the past couple of days but ever since I was introduced to celebrity sex tapes, scandals and porno videos. I still till this day want to know the difference between Sex and Pornography! Sex is arousing temptation intercourse between two parties while pornography is just the same but recorded on video or even just a snap shot. I know the suffix word of pornography is graphy meaning in some type of way dealt with the practice, occupation and result of producing sexually arousing imagery or words. I really don't understand what makes pornography such a big terrifying and disgusting word when although it practice comes down to SEX. Some people and the media out there take pornography to the extreme strongly sometimes calling it a dirty act of body to body contact. Isn't sex supposed to be a beautiful thing though? 

January 19, 2011

Wishful Wednesday

The picture above is really funny lol. It's the middle of the week and today is the day to make any wish you want. This is why we call these Wednesday posts "Wishful Wednesday". If you're not familiar with "Wishful Wednesday" here's the day you start to learn about the wishing movement. There are a lot of things in life you question, want, or desire of a change; You tend to wish for whatever it is you question, want, desire or change but then you just wait for something to happen. Your wish will never come true if you don't put your 50% all into it. 25% is Faith and the other half is doing. Here at Wishful Wednesday you are entitled to make any wish you want and build your faith and doing to make it come true. Remember ..."If You Believe In Yourself  You Can Make It Happen" -Mariah Carey 
You can view my wish after the jump and please be sure to comment your wish or wishes =).

January 18, 2011

Chris Brown, Tyga, Swizz Beats and Big Sean Explain STYLE

BBC by Pharrell Williams of N.E.R.D.
I just came across this dope video Chris Brown and his celebrity friends Tyga, Swizz Beats, and Big Sean whipped up on their personal style and what style means to them. Fashion has been in the game longer than you and I have ever been born, even before our great grandparents. Though our Fashion trends tend to evolve as the years pass on by, but what i'm seeing is the younger generation repeating the same stuff as before; just adding a hint of their own kick to it. Chris Brown's style always changes and I never would categorize Chris in one of those worst dressed scenarios. I know I haven't done a Fashion Post in a minute so I thought this might be something fun and entertaining visually learning about how our favorite celebrities get fresh to death! You can take a look at the video after the jump. Enjoy!

New Music: Chris Brown "Beautiful People"

How dope is Chris Brown's new song "Beautiful People"? I mean this 4th album of his is going to be bananas so far with the hits such as "Dueces", "Yeah 3x", "Look At Me Now" and now "Beautiful People". This song reminds me of Seal meets Michael Jackson in the 90's Dance Club =). This song is so inspirational and uplifting. I can't seem to stop dancing every time I hear it lol. Here Take A Listen....Let Me Know What You Think

  Chris Brown - Beautiful People by latroywatson

Tasty Tuesday: Berry Yogurt Breakfast Bowls

I did say this week was going to be full of fun posts =)! Today's fun Tasty Tuesday meal is a breakfast dessert brought to us by Smuckers. "Berry Yogurt Breakfast Bowl" is the name of the dessert dish. You can't go wrong with an on-the-go breakfast treat. I enjoy eating yogurt, it has got to be one of my favorite healthy go to snacks ever =).

January 17, 2011

David Is Going To Die

Marty McFly
I just came across this picture of what seems to be water paint abstract on my Tumblr Dashboard. The funny thing is that the Tumblr Blog Tittle is "David Is Going To Die" lol. When I first seen the photo I automatically familiarized it with an 80's flashback movie entitled "Back To The Future" with Michael J. Fox and then somehow I seen Michael Jackson's "Thriller" in the mix lol. Clearly as I began to read the blog post further the title of the picture was on the left hand side and it was "Marty McFly" which was Michael J. Fox's character name in "Back To The Future" =). I mean c'mon don't you guys see Michael Jackson in the picture lol. Anyway, I thought this painting was very DOPE! What do you think? Have you ever seen the movie "Back To The Future"?
[Click Here] For The Link To The Picture. Also Follow The Both Of Us On Tumblr If You Have =)

My Favorite Things

Happy Monday everyone! I decided to switch up a few things and do some fun posts this week =). Well, we all know Oprah is famous for her Favorite Things giveaway. I feel like I want to share my 10 Favorite Things with you all as well and No, I'm not rich enough to give out anything lol. Continue after the jump to view some of my favorite things...

January 14, 2011

Mariah Carey - Breakdown (Cover)

Me Being In The Mood! Enjoy! 

Throwback Friday - DaBand "Bad Boy This, Bad Boy That"

Who can't forget this R&B/Hip-Hop music group? LOL. DaBand....wow, MTV should do a "Where Are They Now" segment somewhere in the mix. This band was the second band I believe Diddy (Sean Combs) put together when he had his phenomenal hit show "Making The Band". Diddy put together a group of individuals from inner city states whom never met one another nor worked with one another and formed the ultimate urban hip/hop group. Although, there was only one singer you couldn't deny DaBand wasn't hot! Today's Throwback Friday is dedicated to the band that made talent search reality TV drama what it is today. "Bad Boy This, Bad Boy That" was their first smash hit single and luckily their video is still roaming the internet around. Enjoy and Happy Friday!

January 13, 2011

Marsha Ambrosius - Far Away

There has been a lot of talk on Twitter and Facebook surrounding R&B singer Marsha Ambrosius new music video "Far Away". I just took the time out to see what the buzz was about myself. I'm familiar with Marsha Ambrosius because she was in the soulful outstanding musical female duo Floetry. Now she has branched off into a solo career and her music is delightfully pleasant to listen to. "Far Away" is a remarkable song with a strong message. If you don't believe me, take a look for yourself. Good Job Marsha! Enjoy The Video. I wonder if her debut album came out. If so I'm going straight to iTunes =)

My Birthday Gift List...

: Hmm, my birthday is right around the corner. Not closely around the corner but it’s coming up. January seems to be moving slow to me for some reason. My birthday is the 29th of this month. I will be turning 22. Am I thrilled about turning 22 no! Reason being its one more year closer to 30. I don’t have anything against the 30’s on up, but I really feel like I haven’t learned a lot to be a grown man. It’s scary though! Well to stray away from my misery of turning 22, I do have a few things I want for my birthday =) 

January 12, 2011

Congrats To Lamar & Khloe' Kardashian-Odom

Congrats to Khloe' and Lamar for snagging their own spin off show. I found out about the news last week but got caught up and forgot to blog about it. I love Khloe' and Lamar's as a powerful celebrity couple. It's something like I want but a much bit less slight crazy =). I can't wait to see the new show. The show chronicles around Khloe' and Lamar's marriage including Khloe's little brother Robert Kardashian Jr. living with them. If you ask me, I think the show will be a hit. Now we really get to see what goes on in Khloe' and Lamar's house when the "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" camera's are not around =) Are you excited as I?

The Game

BET's "The Game" Cast

How bout' the 4th season premiere of BET's "The Game" last night? What did you think of the season opening? The new faces? The twists and turns? Did you expect one bit of what happened? I know I was shocked and surprised. I can tell i'm going to love this new season. Thank God BET picked up "The Game". All the characters and writers are back baby! Only thing I don't like about this season is all these scene locations and the camera, it makes me feel like I'm watching a Soap Opera lol. Other than that.....GAME ON BITCHES!!!!  =)

Wishful Wednesday....

: Every now and then it is okay to have that one wish on relationships. Whether you want it to be to find love, get out of it, or just make things better. It is what makes us vulnerable human beings. This is why I'm being vulnerable with you all and is going to wish for something in my mind I think won't happen. It's not good to think negative, but if you know me and relationships then you know there is a slight 20% chance of my relationship wish coming true. 

January 11, 2011

Tasty Tuesday: Chicken Enchiladas

This weekend I had the pleasure of having my BFF cook for me while I stayed with her at her apartment dorm. I swear I love my BFF's cooking so much she should think about becoming a part time chef lol. My BFF made her famous Chicken & Cheese Enchiladas with yellow rice. I swear it was most perfect tasteful Enchilada I ever had in my life. Mind you I've never had an Enchilada in my life =) Now I'm craving them more than ever. I decided this should be today's Tasty Tuesday meal. The recipe comes from Tyler Florence of the Food Network Channel. Enjoy & let me know how it tastes =)

January 10, 2011

New Music: Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me

The time is officially here, the moment we've all been waiting for. Britney Spears new single "Hold It Against Me" is now on the air for radio play and all over the world wide web. The single was originally supposed to be released 1.11.11 but with the recent leaking of the demo, Britney tweeted that as a gift she'd release it today. I honestly can't stop listening to the song. It's so different from her other songs and she just keeps getting better and better! Blogger doesn't have a media upload file yet therefore, you can listen to the song exclusively on my Tumblr page! =)

: The Rundown

Eh' it's Monday right? Yeah I figured it. I just wanted to do a post about my regular daily rundown. It all starts  Monday morning and then somehow it ends before the end of the week is here. Don't ask me how, I just know I get caught up in a lot during the week. Alright so without further do, here is LaTroy's weekday rundown:

9 a.m.- Alarm goes off, walk Tokyo, grab something light to eat from the kitchen and shower before TV time.
10 a.m. - "The Wendy Williams Show" all while trying to think of blog topics
11 a.m.- "The Dr.Oz Show" flipping back and forth with "The View", something have to give shessh.
12 p.m. - Try to catch up on as many TiVo'd shows I recorded and haven't had time to watch.
1 p.m. - I'm probably on the phone all while trying to look for important career jobs.
2 p.m. - It's that hour before my little brother comes home from school and I have to straighten up the house.
3 p.m. - I feel forced to wait for the mailman before I do anything else, I need Dr.Phil.
4 p.m.- I'm trying to take a nap as if I had a long day or I'm out with someone.
5 p.m.- I'm napping
6 p.m.- I'm still napping
7 p.m. - I'm up you can probably catch me blasting music with my karaoke machine =)
8 p.m. - Watch or try to watch the shows that come on tv that evening until I fall asleep.

It really may seem like I don't do anything but eat, sleep and crap but it's never this simple. This is kind of what happens when I'm on vacation from school. When i'm in school it's basically the same schedule but a heavy intense writing work and thinking. Let's see if 2011 can change some of what I do on a daily basis. Remember what I said earlier, this rundown usually doesn't flow till the end of the week. For some reason I have no idea. Thanks for taking the time to read my boring life. =) Enjoy. Be more productive than I.

January 7, 2011

Can You Spy The Tsunami of Yami?

It has come clear to my attention that one of my good girlfriends Yami is in the new Shawn Chrystopher music video entitled "The Hangover".  I know I peeped back and forth at the video on Tuesday evening when it premiered on 106 and Park, I was too busy getting dressed I didn't notice my <3 Yami!. Thank GOD Yami BBM'd me if I saw her and I quickly jumped on YouTube to see her crazy & cute self! I think she plays the girlfriend or love interest to Shawn Chrystopher (the rapper). "The Hangover" is such a dope song I love the video and you can clearly see it was all about having FUN!. I'm proud of my friend although this isn't her first music video she has appeared in. Yami was also in Jay-Z's "Blue Magic" video when his "American Gangster" album came out. It's good to see your cute friends appear in music videos. It only goes to show the cute ones belong front and center and the video hoes YOUR IN THE BACK! =) Can You Spot Yami In The Videos? You can view both videos after the jump and make sure you follow both YamiShawn Chrystopher on Twitter!

Throwback Friday - N'Sync "It's Gonna Be Me"

Who can't forget the boy bands of the 90's and beyond? I know I can't. I recently was in a car with a group of friends and my friend decided to blast N'Sync's "It's Gonna Be Me" =) As soon as she played the song all of my boy band memories just popped into my head. I was a die hard N'Sync fan to the fullest especially since they were teamed up with Britney Spears (who I love to death). I miss the old sound of boy bands whether the sound was pop or r&b. There will never be that distinct sound ever again in the future. I never understood the song back then but now that I'm in likes with someone I can sing my heart out to that person with it lol. Enjoy! :-)

January 6, 2011

Top 10 Songs

Here I go once again with my top 10 songs I can't stop listening to. Music is apart of my life and without it I wouldn't know how to contemplate. There were a lot of big hits the fall of 2010. This was a tough decision for me to make but I'm pretty sure I'll have more of my top 10 songs which I can include the ones that didn't make it. It is also very important that if you are going to download music to purchase them via iTunes or Amazon. Music isn't the same as it used to be because of our music artists not selling as much due to illegal downloading. I just wanted to make it clear purchased music is the best music =)

1. Heavy Rotation - Ciara (Basic Instinct)
2. Moment For Life - Nicki Minaj feat. Drake (Pink Friday)
3. Coming Home - Diddy-Dirty Money (Last Train To Paris)
4. Beautiful Mistake - Keri Hilson (No Boys Allowed)
5. Dynamite - Taio Cruz (Rokstarr)
6. Like A G6 - Far East Movement (Free Wired)
7. When A Woman Love - R.Kelly (Love Letters)
8. Yeah I Know - Ciara (Basic Instinct)
9. Monster - Kanye West feat. Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj and Jay-Z (My Dark Twisted Fantasy)
10. Make It Rain - Travis Porter (Porterland)

& this concludes the end of my top 10 songs i'm listening to constantly! It's nice to share new music with one another so if you have a top 10 list give me the songs you choose and lets see if I heard them or not.

January 4, 2011

Tasty Tuesday: Christina's No-Fuss Cheeseburgers

Who loves burgers as much as I? Uhm...I don't think anyone does lol =) Even though its a new year, most of our resolutions are DIETING! Well here's a tip, EAT WHAT YOU WANT IN SMALL PORTIONS AND WORK OUT MORE! Seriously, after the holidays here comes game day whether its football or basketball in result there will be a lot of fast food made. Which brings me to today's Tasty Tuesday "Christina's No-Fuss Cheeseburgers". Sounds so yummy right? Christina is a Oprah.com chef who posts tons and tons of delicious recipes. As you know, I love snooping around different websites searching for the best foods! I'm pretty happy I stumbled upon this recipe because I love real authentic take your time burgers with the right condiments. You can obtain the recipe after the jump =) Enjoy. Bon Appetite! 

January 3, 2011


It is 2011 and Oprah Winfrey has already taken over the year. Is anyone as proud and shocked that Oprah Winfrey has her own cable network? Like I am beyond amazed right now. This is something big to me =) I'm so proud of Oprah and all her endeavorers that she has really became an inspiration to my life and role model. It takes a lot to have your own network. WOW! Oprah has really set the bar high for people trying to get like her. Ever since Oprah premiered her cable network January 1st, I honestly can't turn. Oprah has so many shows she's produced and coming out with for her network that I will be tuned in everyday every hour even if it's repeats. I'm very proud of Oprah, someone with that drive deserves all the success that may come her way. Oprah Winfrey is a working machine, this is how I want to be in life. Oprah really practices the saying "You Only Live Once, You Want To Go Out With A Bang!". Congrats Ms. Winfrey!!! Keep On Amazing Me With Your Unexpected Endeavors. =)

Kourtney & Kim: Take New York

E! Just Got So Much Better! I Can't Wait! 

New Music: Kim Kardashian 'Turn It Up" Feat.The Dream

Everyone wants to know what this buzz was about Kim Kardashian and The Dream going out on dates. Well it seems as if The Dream has taken Kim Kardashian to the booth. Not the sex booth people! The recording booth. Yes! The curvacious Kardashian stated just for fun she has a song coming out soon with The Dream. Kim didn't say what the name of the song was but towards the end of last year Kim Kardashian tweeted it was something new she wanted to do while she was in New York filming "Kourtney & Kim: Take New York". Kim also tweeted she was shooting a video with her leading man Kanye West for the new single. Kim's not giving us too many details, but as she tweets and blogs; she seems very ecstatic about her new project.

Recently Kim Kardashian rang in the New Year at Tao in Las Vegas and gave party goers a little treat. Yes! she actually premiered the song in front of over hundreds of people who came to party with her. I'm guessing the song is called "Turn It Up" by the way she sings the line over and over in the chorus. The song is actually pretty nice and dope! It's a club tune so she really isn't belting out any high notes and melodies. I think this is a great project for Kim Kardashian to get into. If The Dream produced it you know its a hot dance track. I have a treat for you to start the 2011 year off! I have the official video of Kim Kardashian debuting her new single. You can watch and listen to the video after the jump. Let me know what you think.

New Music: Marc Papers - Rabbit Season

There's a new rapper that I just being aware about and he goes by the name Marc Papers. I first heard of him this past summer when he appeared on a previous episode of BET's 106 & Park: Freestyle Friday. As I was listening, it was said he was a weekly champ in the battle. Marc ended up loosing but that didn't stop him from achieving his goals to become a rapper. I then looked up his music on YouTube and found his beats were very dope and catchy! I hadn't known he came out with a mixtape until recently when he tweeted a song, I then responded positively towards it and he began sending me a link to download his mixtape.

I haven't listened to the whole mixtape yet, but the few songs he posted on his twitter page I really was feeling and I think this kid has potential! I can't wait to hear more from Marc Papers. Who knows 2011 may be his year he gets signed to a major label. Here are a few songs off the "Rabbit Season" mixtape: